Sunday School
Sunday School: 9-10am
Children’s Sunday School
One of the ways that we seek to aid the parents at our church is through our Sunday School curriculum. At GBCB we use the Generations of Grace curriculum. This biblically based curriculum is designed for children three years old through sixth grade. Over the course of three years this curriculum will survey the entire story of God’s redemptive plan found throughout the narrative of Old and New Testament Scripture.
Each Sunday, children in both classes, from three to twelve year olds, will learn from the same passage in a way that is appropriate for every age level. This gives each family the opportunity to discuss on passage together each week with their children.
During Sunday School we have the following children’s options:
- Nursery
- 3-6 year olds
- 7-12 year olds
Adult Sunday School
We commonly run one adult Sunday School class and sometimes two. Over the years these classes have provided wide range teaching in a discussion oriented format. Sunday School teaching topics covered in the last several years have included expositions from Proverbs, James, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Colossians and Peter’s epistles. It has also included entire teaching series on topics such as the Christian Household, Medieval Church History, English Puritanism, and Covenant Theology.